Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Gift of Libraries: Requesting Items, Part Deux

The Wichita Public Library stocked Idiocracy. My cup runneth over with BRAWNDO: The Thirst Mutilator!

Look, Idiocracy is mean. Even now, it still comes off as mean, but I've been called tenderhearted in the past and I'll begrudgingly admit that it may or may not be sort of true. The movie depicts a future when idiots outbreed nonidiots and society slides into supreme stupidity living in a ruin of unending garbage, broken automation, droughts, electrolytes, and rampant, unblinking dipshittery. Everything comes from Costco (including law degrees), Starbucks serves sex acts, and an average 21st century man can outwit just about everyone on the planet.

Idiocracy's take on the surviving government is where the movie really shines. And it's where some relief can be found for our current woes...though I suppose it could have the opposite effect, depending on your political inclinations. It certainly did me good to watch it again. It seems less mean and just a squidge more prophetic these days, with the normalization of buffoonery on the daily menu and no end (or bottom to the pit of shame in DC) in sight.

Thank you. WPL! And for future viewers who have never seen Idiocracy (there are so many), fair warning: you're probably going to get offended at some point. It's lewd, crude, delights in the worst stereotypes, and drops the f-word gay slur more than once. And this is coming from the mouths of lawyers, doctors and, of course, your elected officials to the highest offices in the land.


  1. I like you Blog. Keep up the good work. I think Terry Crews and I would be friends if we knew each other in real life.

    1. Same! He's AMAZING in this movie. Best president ever. LOL

  2. I'm not sure why, but my biggest laugh came from the Carl's Jr. Ad. "F*** you, I'm eating."

  3. Our president invited the Taliban over for photo ops on 9/11. Prophetic indeed.
